Solar energy is a rapidly growing industry in Australia and various hazards to the safety of workers exist in the construction, operation and maintenance involved in the upkeep on solar farms. Employers are responsible for ensuring that employees are properly protected from workplace hazards by establishing safety practices onsite so that employees can do their job safely and efficiently.

solar farm safety barriers

The benefits of solar farm safety barriers

Installation and maintenance workers on solar farms are often exposed to fall hazards. The majority of solar panels are installed on elevated surfaces with little space available for employees to walk on, forcing them to work very close to the edge of their platform. To protect workers from falls, that could cause serious injury, employers must ensure the perimeter is protected with solar farm safety barriers such as Verge’s line of guardrail systems.

Regardless of height, if a worker can fall onto dangerous machinery or equipment, employers must provide safety barriers to prevent workers from suffering an injury.

Verge’s solar farm safety barriers are well-known for their ease of installation, effective use and high visibility. Our solar farm products include pedestrian safety barriers, expandable barriers and guardrails, which can provide protection from hazards such as machinery and falls.

Due to the wide variety of risks involved in working with solar panels, including electric shocks that could cause serious injury or death, it is necessary to block access to unauthorised personnel. Safety barriers keep employees at a safe distance from any areas where there is a substantial threat to their safety.

Contact our solar farm safety barrier team

It is essential that solar farms install safety barriers for the protection of workers. Call us on 1800 765 539 or fill in our online enquiry form and one of our team will be happy to assist with any questions you may have and run you through our list solar farm safety products.