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Australian Made and Owned

Types and Benefits of Choosing an Effective Road Safety Barriers

Safety Barriers

Why road barriers are important for safety, what the different types of road barriers are and how to choose the right crash barrier for your project

Accidents can take place anytime and anywhere and never come with a warning! It then becomes especially important to be prepared and plan for such situations. Safety barriers are indispensable tools specifically designed to control or mitigate risks that might arise in hazardous settings. Generally, safety barriers that are used on the roads to safeguard road users, including pedestrians and drivers and can also be referred to in Australia as crash barriers, traffic barriers, or guard rails.

Roads are one of the most dangerous places in terms of the risk of accident or injury – and many accidents do take place there. Safety barriers on the roads are a basic necessity because these safety tools don’t just improve the road infrastructure, but also reduces the severity of accidents when they occur. In most cases, safety barriers are a compulsory addition to roads and as such must comply with Australian Standards and state-mandated guidelines. V-Rail acts as an important safety barrier that prevents pedestrians from tripping and injuring themselves. Similarly, a wide range of safety barriers has been introduced so that the instances of accidents and injuries can be kept in check.

What are the benefits of safety barriers on roads

What are the benefits of safety barriers on roads?

The number of vehicles on the roads now is at its highest point in history, and it isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. As a result, it’s natural that the chances of accidents and head-on collisions are also increasing. There are many instances when individuals get severely injured in road accidents without being at fault. Safety barriers and guard rails can improve the road environment to a significant extent. For instance, bollards are used as common safety barriers that protect emergency exits from unnecessary vehicle traffic. These tools act as the perfect solution for blocked access to different areas. Similarly, vivid gates are designed to alert pedestrians they are entering a possibly dangerous area. Thus, safety barriers act to alert individuals to move more cautiously.

Safety barriers have many uses in different environments

Safety barriers are not just used to control the traffic on the road but can be used for various other reasons such as:

·         Diverting the traffic
·         Cordoning off accident sites or the location where a spill hazard has occurred
·         Directing the flow of the crowd
·         Segregating vehicles from pedestrians
·         Preventing collisions and accidents

Safety barriers have a limitless amount of uses when it comes to separating and directing crowds, alerting people to potentially hazardous areas, and absorbing possible physical impacts to reduce damage.

Safety barriers improve safety for vehicles and pedestrians

Safety barriers are considered to be one of the most effective tools for helping to enhance road safety. It’s possible because they reduce the risk associated with crashes and collisions that take place on the roads by absorbing impact and containing the damage. In addition to this, such barriers separate the opposing traffic, which can cause a ruckus on busy streets. The best thing about safety barriers is that they can also be used for improved workplace traffic management. These safety tools act as indispensable elements that guide and assist drivers in operating their vehicles responsibly. The installation of proper safety barriers can protect pedestrians, drivers, and passengers from traffic hazards.

Traffic barriers create a better road environment

Reckless drivers act as a major threat not only to themselves but to others. The installation of safety barriers on streets can effectively manage various factors that lead to road accidents.  For instance, traffic barriers can alert speeding drivers to drive within the speed limit – seeing a safety sign is a powerful reminder of danger. Similarly, such barriers can also enhance the vision of the drivers at night so that they will not drift onto the pedestrian pathway. When safety barriers are used on roads, they act as an integrated solution that boosts the overall road environment.

Guard rails and safety barriers reduce fatalities and injuries on the road

Thousands of people lose their lives on the roads every single day. Almost every individual uses the road for mobility purposes, but they might not be aware of the high risk that they are exposed to on route. The increase in the number of vehicles has increased the number of traffic deaths and on this topic the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said, “These deaths are an unacceptable price to pay for mobility.” He further added, “There is no excuse for inaction. This problem comes with proven solutions.”

Safety barriers can help to deal with the problem because these tools are designed so that the burden of road traffic injuries and fatalities is reduced substantially. Currently, a diverse range of road safety barriers is available so that adequate protection can be provided to pedestrians, cyclists, bystanders, motorcyclists, and drivers.

How to choose the right safety barrier

How to choose the right safety barrier

Choosing the right safety barrier for the job can help minimise risks on the streets. So, it is necessary to choose the right barrier wisely so that road safety can be improved. The common categories of safety barriers are flexible barriers, rigid barriers, and semi-rigid barriers. Even though the purpose of all the safety barriers is to enhance road safety, each of them functions differently.

The main functions of each type of safety barrier include:

  • Flexible barriers – These safety barriers deflect to a great degree and help to minimise injuries of vehicle occupants
  • Rigid Barriers – The high level of containment of heavy vehicles helps to enhance road safety
  • Semi-rigid barriers – These safety barriers deflect less than flexible barriers, so the level of containment of vehicles is moderate

Consider how you need your safety barriers to work when making your choice

The use of safety barriers on roads helps to control traffic effectively and efficiently. The tools help because they work to warn drivers not to drive vehicles onto the wrong path. Similarly, they also guide the pedestrians to walk on the walkway instead of deviating towards the road. Thus, safety barriers are used as visual communication tools that can prevent accidents on roads.

Are you choosing the right barrier for drivers?

Since safety barriers are not either transparent or ‘see-through’ systems, they affect the sightline of drivers. It is necessary to carefully select safety barriers that need to be installed on the streets. They must guide drivers to drive vehicles cautiously, but not impede the ability of drivers to see and navigate on the roads safely.

Is your safety barrier strong enough?

Different types of safety barriers perform differently upon impact. For example, flexible safety barriers will expand and act as a cushion once an impact occurs. The concrete safety barriers, on the other hand, offer a high degree of containment. You should consider how you need your safety and crash barriers to perform when selecting them to get the best safety result, in the right context.

How to get your safety barriers today

Safety barriers help to create a safe working and living environment. These tools protect pedestrians, drivers, and other users of the roads. A wide range of safety barriers can be installed to upgrade road safety. It minimises the vulnerability of people who use roads, and in many cases is a legal construction requirement.

If you need more information and guidance on safety barriers, and making sure your roads or events are as safe as possible – contact Verge Safety Barriers today to talk to our team. We can give you obligation-free advice and provide you with a quote or workplace solution to get your project off to the right start.


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