How the Vivid Safety Gate Keeps You Safe
‘Safety First’ is a well-known slogan in industry. Business owners, operators and managers should take this to heart in order to avoid unpleasant consequences that

Verge launches latest addition to its workplace safety equipment
INTRODUCING…THE VERGE “ROLL OVER GATE” Workplace safety barrier specialists, Verge, has launched the Verge Roll Over Gate, the latest addition to its popular range to

Importance of Safety Barriers at Construction Sites
The construction industry is the fourth largest in the Australian economy and plays a major role in determining economic growth. The industry has previously experienced

Verge barriers: Combining beauty with functionality
Safety barriers make for harsh looking surroundings when put up with little consideration for aesthetics. This doesn’t have to be the case. The last thing

Safety initiatives: are employees buying into your policies?
“Safety is everyone’s responsibility in the workplace, right? It shouldn’t be that hard to get personnel to buy into it, really”, you think to yourself,

Durability and Endurance of Verge Products
One of the major considerations in any major purchase is the reliability and durability of that product. This is why such products come with a

Loading Dock Safety
A loading dock area is a busy place involving lots of traffic movement, both vehicular and human. In a typical shift, trailers and forklifts crisscross

The Right Placement for Dome Safety Mirrors
What do blind corners and intersections have in common? These two areas, along with the entrance and exit paths, are some of the busiest areas

Workplace Safety: Importance of Pedestrian Protection Barriers
For obvious reasons, the places where people congregate and places they move through, should be free from any hazardous elements that may put their health

Know the Hierarchy of Hazard Control
In order to ensure workplace safety, there are controls to be followed which are determined by the Hierarchy of Hazard Control. It is important to

Enhance Premises Safety and Security
Safety isn’t just a motto; it is a way of life in the modern day workplace setting. Businesses around the world are becoming increasingly